

李民澤是台北艋舺人。生於1940815日在台北市艋舺區新富町(艋舺長老會教會附近的巷子)。時值二次大戰的高峰期,幼時為逃美機轟炸,没機會上幼稚園。戰後始接受正式教育。先後畢業於台北市老松國校,考入建國中學初中部,後直升高中部,考入台大農工水利組及台大土木研究所。1967年離台留美,先後得辛辛那堤大學(University of Cincinnati)及普渡大學(Purdue University)土木工程的碩士與博士學位。在美國的四十三年中,先在伊卅大學(University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana),伊卅水資源調查所研究達二十一年。爾後轉入私人工程公司做事。先後在URS Engineering Corporation,Avid Engineering Group 当深資水利工程師與GIS專家達十五年。獲有伊卅,佛卅及北卡卅職業工程師執照。並俱有美國土木工程師學会的Fellow Life Member




李民澤與其內人Catherine Ann 結婚四十年。現住美國佛卅Tampa BayPalm Harbor, Florida。育有两個男孩。大兒子服務於美國空軍医務署,現為空軍中校。次兒子是伊卅中學的音樂教師兼樂隊指導員。李民澤與Catherine有四個孫子。



Ming T. Lee (李民澤 ), Ph.D., P.E.

1608 Lago Vista Blvd, Palm Harbor, Florida 34685

(727) 773-0948




Dr. Lee has over four decades of in-depth experience involving water resources studies in watersheds and river basins, lakes, and rivers in both urban and agricultural areas. He is recognized for his expertise in the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) applications for hydrology and water quality modeling, and he has presented and/or published numerous papers on the subject. Areas of specialization include erosion control studies, bridge scour analysis, tidal hydraulics, sediment transport, water quality studies, hydraulic/hydrologic modeling, stormwater management, GIS/remote sensing, and surface water management studies. Dr. Lee has also been recognized with the following awards: listed in American Men and Women in Science , NATO Advanced Institute Fellowship Award in 1988, the President’s Citation of SCSA (Illinois) in 1985, and the Chapter Award of the SCSA in 1985.


Education and registration


·        Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Purdue University 1972

·        M.S. Civil Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1968

·        M.S. Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, 1966

·        B.S. Agricultural Engineering, National Taiwan University, 1963

·        Professional Engineer, State of Florida, No. 47469

·        Professional Engineer, State of Illinois, No. 62-031477




  • American Society of Civil Engineers, Fellow and Life member;
  • Soil and Water Conservation Society of America, Illinois Chapter President 




·        ARC/INFO GIS Training, Environmental System Resaerch Institute, Red Land, CA

·        Remote Sensing Training, US Geological Survey at Earth Observation System Center, Sioux Falls, SD

·        Stream Stability and Bridge Scour, Federal Highway Administration, Orlando,  FL





  • Hydraulic Laboratory, Water Resources Planning Commission, Taipei, Taiwan, Research Engineer,  1966 – 1967
  • Vogt and Ivers Engineering Inc. Cincinnati Ohio,  1968
  • University of Illinois, Agricultural Economics Department, Research Associates, 1972-1974
  • Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, Illinois, Seniour Research Hydrologist,  1975-1993
  • URS Engineering Corporation, Tampa, Florida, Senior Water Resources Engineer and GIS Specialist, 1993 – 2002
  • Water Resources  Management and Technology Inc., Jacksonville Beach, Florida, Senior Water Resurce Engineer, Florida, 2003
  • Avid Engineering Group, Senior Water Resources Engineer, 2004-2008